David Spiegelhalter

Latest stories about David Spiegelhalter

David Spiegelhal: "Even highly qualified scientists have been guided by their personal program" UK 3yrs
I didn’t take Covid seriously, admits leading statistician 3yrs
Can you capture the complex reality of the pandemic with numbers? Well, we tried… | David Spieg... 3yrs
COVID-19: Annual jabs and boosters to last for foreseeable future 3yrs
Dealing with uncertainty about the Omicron variant | David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Masters 3yrs
How do we know the effect of boosters? | David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Masters 3yrs
We can be confident there have been far more than 5 million global Covid deaths | David Spiegel... 3yrs
Which protects you more against Covid – vaccination or prior infection? | David Spiegelhalter a... 3yrs
What’s the value of a confirmatory PCR test? | David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Masters 3yrs
Covid by numbers: 10 key lessons separating fact from fiction 3yrs
Rules and advice don’t slow the spread of the virus – human behaviour does | David Spiegelhalte... 3yrs
Rules and advice don’t slow the spread of the virus – human behaviour does | David Spiegelhalte... 3yrs
Rules and advice don’t slow the spread of the virus – human behaviour does | David Spiegelhalte... 3yrs
Numbers don’t always mean what they seem to mean | David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Masters 3yrs
Will we reach herd immunity for the new coronavirus? | David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Masters 3yrs
Why most people who now die with Covid have been vaccinated | David Spiegelhalter and Anthony M... 3yrs
What were some of the collateral effects of lockdowns? | David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Master... 3yrs
Why is the new Covid variant spreading? | David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Masters 3yrs
Will Covid-19 vaccines reduce virus transmission? | David Spiegelhalter & Anthony Masters 3yrs

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Covid, false positives and conditional probabilities... | David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Maste... 3yrs
Which countries have fared worst in the pandemic? | David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Masters 3yrs
How big are the blood-clot risks of the AZ jab? | David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Masters 3yrs
Don’t fear the AstraZeneca jab, the risks are minimal | David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Masters 3yrs
There's no evidence the Oxford vaccine causes blood clots. So why are people worried? | David S... 3yrs
Real-world effectiveness of the Covid jabs | David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Masters 4yrs
Is 12 weeks between Covid jabs too long? | David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Masters UK 4yrs
Is Covid more deadly and contagious than seasonal flu? | David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Master... 4yrs
Just how effective is the Oxford coronavirus vaccine for the over-65s? | David Spiegelhalter an... 4yrs
Behind the numbers: how the recipients of the Covid vaccine are prioritised | David Spiegelhalt... 4yrs
Covid deaths eight times higher than those from flu or pneumonia 4yrs
When politicians cite Covid-19 statistics, they may be wrong – it doesn't mean the numbers are... 4yrs
Brits could be given individual coronavirus 'risk scores' UK 4yrs
Spiegelhalter says vast majority of Covid deaths would not have occurred in coming year 4yrs
Boris Johnson’s irresponsible government is rapidly losing authority Ireland UK England Scotland 4yrs
Method of giving out Covid-19 statistics is 'not trustworthy' - expert 4yrs
COVID-19 deaths in care homes may have EXCEEDED hospital fatalities 4yrs